Monday, September 27, 2010

Can Birth Really be this Easy?

So I listen to my Hypnobirthing track(s) nightly before bed, and if I wake up too early (before noon) to help me relax back to sleep. I eat pretty darn healthfully, minus a daily small sweet treat, and my exercise consists of usually parking as far away I as I can and walking to my destination, especially in my community college parking lot. I went to a doctor (non OB type) last week and they took my BMI and said I was still in the "normal" range for my height, and I'm 37 weeks pregnant! I've always been naturally fit and never gotten above a size 3, so I've been pretty fortunate. My pregnancy would make some women seriously want to strangle me. No morning sickness, no stretch marks (yet), I've only had mild back pains and a hard time breathing sometimes. If it weren't for my protruding belly and increased trips to the bathroom, I'd hardly know I was pregnant.

Now I most certainly am not saying all of this to try and make my new readers hate me and close the page in disgust, but merely to ask... Since I have been so fortunate in my pregnancy thus far, it is possible to believe my birth will be the same? Or am I doomed to have a 48 hour labor riddled with interventions. Obviously the latter is not a path of thought I let my brain take me down as I'm a firm believer in the power of mind-over-matter. But is it really possible my blessed-ness will continue through birth and the "fourth trimester"? He will be my first and my sister (and birth partner) really believes that I am going to have an incredibly quick, very very easy birth (or maybe she just hopes). I fear that since I've been blessed thus far, I will have to be "punished" at some point.

Have I been too cavalier in my preparation for birth? Will opting for couch time instead of taking nightly hour long walks come to bite me in the behind (remember-naturally fit :))? Does successful Hypnobirthing require more then just my listening to the CDs every night, alone? Should I truly have cut out all sugar (I do no caffeine, lunch meat, rotate my fish types and avoid all other precautionary no-no's, and obviously eat lots of whole grains, proteins, fruits and veggies, prenatals and DHA)?

Or is it possible, or even better, is it likely, my luck will continue as it has??? Can I really be that girl? Can my birth really be that easy? Please say it is so!


  1. I am not personally intimately familiar with hypnobirthing, but I will say that it is likely you'll have an easy birth. You're young, right? At 17yo, I didn't do much special during my pregnancy and just used Lamaze. Birth went so well that the nurses were asking me if I'd done it before. I was actually a little offended, but did see the compliment.

    At 25, birthing using the Bradley Method after making lots of healthy choices also went very well.

    However, at 36yo, pregnancy and birthing were both a bit rougher. So I think your natural and youthful fitness will serve you well!

    Best of luck to you!

  2. I'm betting you've probably (though not definitely) had the baby by now. I'd sure love to see an update! I've kept you in my thoughts and am beginning to get worried.
